Random pictures
We at the ITF household have been very busy the last several days. Here are pictures to prove that.

Tom was mowing along and all at once yelled at me to get a bucket of water. I had noticed smoke, but did not think too much about it. When I came out the "fire-starter" was laying on the ground.

The "fire-starter" pinecone!

This is the line between us and our neighbors. It was full of dead grass, golf balls, one shoe, etc. The ITF household is now excited about our fence row!

With fixing up the fence row, we came across what we think are black raspberries! Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

The start of our garden!

Almost done!

Mainly the finished product. I still have to put the plants in. This was the last major project I wanted to get finished before the baby came!

A bit of goofing off.

This is my flowerbed out front. I don't know how it'll look, but there is definitely something growing there.

This is the way the ITF household feels about their accomplishments.

Now for the picture that you all have been waiting for.
More pictures later,
Tom was mowing along and all at once yelled at me to get a bucket of water. I had noticed smoke, but did not think too much about it. When I came out the "fire-starter" was laying on the ground.
The "fire-starter" pinecone!
This is the line between us and our neighbors. It was full of dead grass, golf balls, one shoe, etc. The ITF household is now excited about our fence row!
With fixing up the fence row, we came across what we think are black raspberries! Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
The start of our garden!
Almost done!
Mainly the finished product. I still have to put the plants in. This was the last major project I wanted to get finished before the baby came!
A bit of goofing off.
This is my flowerbed out front. I don't know how it'll look, but there is definitely something growing there.
This is the way the ITF household feels about their accomplishments.
Now for the picture that you all have been waiting for.
More pictures later,
At 8:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, you sure have been busy! I'm sure it must feet good to have all that done before baby comes. And you look beautiful! :) Can't wait to hear what it is and when. You're right about saying "it". I can't bring myself to do it either, especially when Sarah is convinced of a baby brother... Just a few more weeks for both of us! Yay!
At 11:28 PM,
MacNana said…
It's been 16 years since I carried a big baby in my tummy, but looking at your picture I remember exactly how it felt! Especially the joy and excitement! And according to my husband, I didn't merely waddle, I "lurched and reeled"! Such fun, enjoy every moment!
At 9:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
I really have been waiting for that picture:) Wanted to see what formation you have taken on by now...the picture made me want to come visit you!! You're a delightful person to hang out with.
Miss you!
At 3:45 PM,
Momof3 said…
Lookin' good! I like the 'goofing off' profile better! =] Hope you're doing well!
At 10:09 PM,
SAHM said…
You look great! Makes me glad that I'm all done with that part of my life, though....:) Best wishes for an easy delivery and quick last few days....
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