Questions about death and my wicked side
The other night at work, I had this patient that looked at me with fear in his eyes as he struggled to breath, and asked, "I'm dying aren't I". What does one say in response to a question like that? My quick response is to say, "No, you'll be alright." But don't people know when they are getting close to death? So how does a trite answer take away all the fears? I don't think it does at all, but rather makes them feel like I as a nursing stuent are not listening to them. I've really struggled with this issue. Maybe the thing to do is not to say anything at all, but to simply be there for them and listen.
Tom came home from work the other day and woke me from a sound sleep. I was really not too impressed. Well, when he went to jump in the shower I got this wicked thought in my head. You see, the toliet is just close enough to the shower to... well...let me start at the beginning.
Once I heard the shower water running, I remembered that I had done the dishes the night before. Tom has this glass that he likes to put tea in right after it is made. Because it usually sits upside-down in the freezer so the fluid inbetween the inside of the glass and the outside can freeze. This was waiting in the freezer. I slipped out of bed and crept to the kitchen. There I put tap water in the glass and stirred it with my finger till I thought that it was cool enough. Then into the bathroom I crept.
Remember the toliet is just close enough to the shower, that if I stretched just a bit from the top of the toliet lid, I could pour the freezing water just over the shower curtin, down on Tom's unsuspecting head. I knew the moment the water hit him because I heard a gasp and a mad scramble to get under the warmer water from the shower head. I had no mercy though and kept pouring. Quicker than I could think, Tom poked out his face from behind the shower curtin with this pained look of betrayal on his face. It really was quite funny.
Then to finish off this post. I don't know how many of you know that Tom talks in his sleep. I can actually ask him questions and he'll answer them. Well, the other morning, his alarm went off for him to get up and go to work. I poked him and told him to hit snooze. (I have to remind him that the big button is snooze, and the little button is off!) After the radio went off a few times, I asked him what time it was. He quickly answered, "Uhh, Wal-Mart I think". I just had to laugh.
Tom came home from work the other day and woke me from a sound sleep. I was really not too impressed. Well, when he went to jump in the shower I got this wicked thought in my head. You see, the toliet is just close enough to the shower to... well...let me start at the beginning.
Once I heard the shower water running, I remembered that I had done the dishes the night before. Tom has this glass that he likes to put tea in right after it is made. Because it usually sits upside-down in the freezer so the fluid inbetween the inside of the glass and the outside can freeze. This was waiting in the freezer. I slipped out of bed and crept to the kitchen. There I put tap water in the glass and stirred it with my finger till I thought that it was cool enough. Then into the bathroom I crept.
Remember the toliet is just close enough to the shower, that if I stretched just a bit from the top of the toliet lid, I could pour the freezing water just over the shower curtin, down on Tom's unsuspecting head. I knew the moment the water hit him because I heard a gasp and a mad scramble to get under the warmer water from the shower head. I had no mercy though and kept pouring. Quicker than I could think, Tom poked out his face from behind the shower curtin with this pained look of betrayal on his face. It really was quite funny.
Then to finish off this post. I don't know how many of you know that Tom talks in his sleep. I can actually ask him questions and he'll answer them. Well, the other morning, his alarm went off for him to get up and go to work. I poked him and told him to hit snooze. (I have to remind him that the big button is snooze, and the little button is off!) After the radio went off a few times, I asked him what time it was. He quickly answered, "Uhh, Wal-Mart I think". I just had to laugh.
At 2:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Its fun tormenting our hubbys isn't it? I have tried the cold water trick too.. and I got the results I was looking for!!HA!!
At 8:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Jewel, after that credit card post he put on his site, I was about ready to pour more than just a cold cup full of cold water on Tom in the shower...*LOL* Be careful with that plastic.
And ain't nursing work a hoot? Our hospital uses sitters for confused patients, so that the nurses will be free to do their duties. It's much less restrictive than tying them up in posey vests and wrist restraints. Good luck as you pursue your career.
At 5:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh what a beastly and utterly delightful creature you are! I love meeting women like you!
HA! The funny thing is I don't feel an ounce of sympathy for Tom. If he didn't deserve it for something in the past, surely he'll do something, you know, you are square either way.
At 9:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Jewel, My hubby says, "How cruel and unfeeling." He said that if I would do that to him he would be heart broken. The only way to make up for the evil thing you did is to serve him breakfaast in bed with lots of "Dessert"
PS He made me write
PSS No dessert for him tonight.;)
Mrs. Nissley
At 4:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
cruel and unusual punishment...but who wouldn't do something like that when given the right opportunity?
At 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey there,
I'd love to talk to you sometime. You want me to call you this time around? Love you. Later.
At 8:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Your hilarious Jewel. I'm sure their is never a dull moment for Tom with you around. Like your blog now I accually find out how your doing :-)It be nice to have a long chat with you. Sometime hint hint ;-)
At 7:08 AM,
Japheth said…
Ah yes, the great little things to spice up the daily life! Your just getting started but over the years you will find certain "things" that you do to each other that may seem "cruel" :-) or something like that to other people, yet in the greater, private, knowledge of your marriage, these become the glue that holds you together and gives you many, many laughs in the future!
My grandfather who is a very quiet man, was milking cows with my grandmother back in the early years of their marriage, and he was "sporting with his wife" (to quote from the Bible) when she said very loudly, "NOW THAT'S THE LAST STRAW!!" Unknown to her, there was a salesman walking up outside and that is all he heard. He walked in, handed them his pamphlet, and walked out without saying a word! They have told this story for years and we have had many good laughs over it!
God Bless you both in your marriage
At 10:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Go Jewel!
I second Ag in this case... *grin*
At 10:11 AM,
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At 12:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
jewel that is halarious. i am sure he deserved all that cold water plus some more. thanks for the good laugh. and about him talking in his sleep that is so funny too. marla talks in her sleep too and every once in a while you can have a half decent conversation with her. she is quite funny though sometimes. i am sure you two keep things interesting for each other. it is so good to hear or read about what is happening in your lives.
At 11:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
mrs itf. I am very much saddened by what i am sure is very cruel and unusual punishment! Poor Mr ITF! I feel it is my role as an elder bro to him to be there for him and to encourage. I should apologize to him for not warning him about how mean women can get once the proverbial knot has been tied. I can only assume that the reason he would wake you is because He missed you and longed to be with you. It really is a shame that you live so far from me and the opportunity for me to tell you about how men think is nonexistent. Be nice to Mr. Itf. Douglas
At 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Poor, poor Tom. We will pray for you between chuckles :)
At 10:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mrs.ITF, As I sit here reading how you ABUSED my poor unsuspecting brother, and so soon in your marriage, I can only hope that he learns rather quickly that when he comes home from work, and you are sleeping, that he takes his hsower first before he wakes you. That way, you won't be able to stop his heart from beating. I, too, have been on the receiving end of more than one of those pranks. However, after the first one I learned to expect them and after realizing it just in time, once, and splashed the water back at my beloved, I no longer had to concern myself except to just enjoy my nice warm shower. Tom, hang in there and you will do just fine. another
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