A New Post
Oh my, I looked at my last post and noted it to be from September. There has definitely been some major things that have occurred here in the ITF household since then.
Mr ITF is feeling so much better. He is back to work again. I love that since I just don't have the energy or the strength to be the main income for this house. I have been picking up some extra shifts at the hospital though. There would have been no way that I could have made it through these last few months except for the individuals that have been praying. My church has been a huge support as well as my family both immediate and extended.
Mandy is rolling over and just started to sit up. She just keeps growing. It won't be too long that we will have to get her another car seat. I don't think she'll be in the car seat until she is 8. She just about has her 1 year-old cousin beat on weight. There are only 3 ounces between the two. Crazy.
I still think there are times when I try to manipulate circumstances to go the way I want them to go. Walking with Jesus is a joy, yet I find myself wanting to lead. There are times that I rest in the arms of Jesus simply because I have no where else to go, instead of going there first!
Mr ITF is feeling so much better. He is back to work again. I love that since I just don't have the energy or the strength to be the main income for this house. I have been picking up some extra shifts at the hospital though. There would have been no way that I could have made it through these last few months except for the individuals that have been praying. My church has been a huge support as well as my family both immediate and extended.
Mandy is rolling over and just started to sit up. She just keeps growing. It won't be too long that we will have to get her another car seat. I don't think she'll be in the car seat until she is 8. She just about has her 1 year-old cousin beat on weight. There are only 3 ounces between the two. Crazy.
I still think there are times when I try to manipulate circumstances to go the way I want them to go. Walking with Jesus is a joy, yet I find myself wanting to lead. There are times that I rest in the arms of Jesus simply because I have no where else to go, instead of going there first!
At 11:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Can so relate with that last paragraph! Lately I'm just been asking Jesus to hold me, and He does. I def. do not always understand all the circumstances of my life, but I know who holds my hand. Love ya so glad to hear Tom is feeling better. Keep updating ;-)--LaDonna
At 10:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, it seems like ages since I've seen you :( But I'm so glad that Tom is doing better! That's marvelous. And I so identify with your last paragraph, it seems so easy to try to find something else to comfort instead of running to Jesus. I'm so glad that He's always there, though! Alisha
At 12:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey lady, how u doing? A belated Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving to you. :) Anita
At 1:19 PM,
Momof3 said…
So is Mandy not in an infant seat? Kaylie ended up coming out of hers by 9 months, because the straps wouldn't adjust any looser for winter clothing bulkiness! Into a reversible car seat she went until she could turn around....how much does Mandy weigh now?
At 3:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Doc, yes Mandy is in an infant car seat. The law here is that they have to be either a certain age or a certain weight before they can get out of a booster. I was referring to age 8.
Mandy is almost 6 months. Last I weighed her she was 18.2 lbs and 27 inches.
At 12:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I know what you mean about wanting things to turn out the way you want them to. I find myself worring over something I've already put in God's hands, wanting it to turn out the way I want it to. Then I remind myself although I want things to go my way, I can't see ahead to how they will effect me later on; God can and that's why we should always put things in his hands and his control. He always is going to work everything for good for his children. (Romans 8:28) Praying for you...
At 10:10 PM,
Momof3 said…
Gotcha, Jewel......I thought maybe you were saying she's already in a regular carseat, reversible, and wouldn't be in it until she was 8, by the way she's growing......anyway, understood now.
At 9:32 PM,
Momof3 said…
Hey Jewel, I look at your profile pic, with your graduation attire, and get excited! Vernon graduates from his four years in May!!!!!!!! I can't wait! He will then have a Bachelor's degree in Biology. He has been invited from Medical College of Georgia for an interview to get into their school!!!!!! Actually, it's an all day thing--two interviews, going around campus with med students......I figured you'd understand some of this with your medical background. =]
At 3:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey lady, Update Soon! :~)
At 4:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey lady! you must be busy -- it doesn't look like you've been here for a while. was thinking about you and just wanted to drop by to say hi. love--marlene
At 6:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
yes, that definitely something i want to work on more. just being able to trust him completely in everything and not try to lead the way or think that it has to be my way. most of the time if i would just wait things would work out much better than i could have ever planned for them too. thanks for the challenge. Tammy
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