Mrs. Iced Tea Forever

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Yoder family

So for those of you that visited my blog in the last few days, you guessed right. Mr. ITF in his cute days! (Now he is simply handsome!!)

I am back in school to get my BSN and I'm thinking that I'm crazy. I have this project due on Wed and finally I've been able to make some headway yesterday and today. I was so ready to give up, but with the steady encouragement from Mr. ITF, I kept at it. He is so good for me when it comes to school because his quiet reassurance keeps me going even when the times get tough. It is fun having him travel the distance with me again. I often go visit him in the coffee shop on campus when we are on break from class. The coffee is nice as well!

Mom went to FL to a funeral of my great-uncle. I so wanted to go. He and his wife became my support back when I was at PCC and needed a break to just be myself again. They were able to offer the support I so needed when my own parents were miles and miles away. They were there when I needed someone to care and hug on me some. There were tears and much laughter shared in the Yoder household during my PCC years. I came to enjoy a relationship with both of them, their children (in the area), and their grandchildren. They were never short on stories or memories of their children and grandchildren. There were hours spent in front of the wall in the hallway learning about the people in the pictures and the fond memories they had of them. Each and every morning, Monroe and Naomi would sit on the couch with their little dog and I would join them for their morning devotions. I will never forget the memories! My heart goes out to the Yoder family and I really wish that I could have been there.

Love ya'll,