Mrs. Iced Tea Forever

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I think that I'm having a harder time saying good-bye to Utopia this trip than I have in previous trips. Don't know what all makes the difference, but I do know that Mr. ITF's family holds a special place in my heart!

How does one deal with hurt and pain that is covered up? My heart goes out to individuals that struggle and hurt. But I guess that here lately I have been in that exact boat. Yet somehow the Lord uses pain and hurt to draw his children closer to Him! God is so great and He really does know what He's doing. Our job is to simply allow Him to be God and trust His judgement and plans for our lives. Harder done than said.

The weather in Utopia is wonderful. The sun was out all day today after raining for the majority of the time we've been out here. My dad called yesterday and said that the weather in Hoosierville was to reach to high 80's to 90's. (Humidity and I don't always agree!)

Well, the mother-in-law is teaching me tips on great pie making. Gotta run, Jewel

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!!?!!?!??!??

I finally get to try my hand at nursing in the real world. I will be working on a medical-surgical floor on night shift part-time. Mr. ITF and I are very excited to finally have a pay check coming in again.

Mr. ITF and I will be heading off to the land of Utopia early friday morning. Mr. ITF's wonderful Grandmother went to meet her maker on tuesday morning.

Guess I'll write when we get back to Hoosierville.


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Promised Pictures

These are the pictures from the weekend of April 29-31. Enjoy!

These are roses from Mr. ITF due to graduating FINALLY from nursing school!

The college put on an appreciation dinner for the graduates and their spouses and families. Here are a few pictures from the dinner.

A good friend of mine with her husband!

My sweet and wonderful Mr. ITF!

Graduation open house was put on by my wonderful mother on Sunday afternoon.

These are a few of my classmates. Wonderful memories were made with them. I miss being with them every day, but I don't miss the school work.

Here is a picture of a professor that believed in me!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

State Boards

I passed! Just found out this morning. But I'm tired so the pics will have to come later. Sleepy time for me! Later, Jewel

I'll try to do a better job of keeping up with posting the next few days.