Another post
I thought it was time to blog once again. Because I've been so busy, I thought I'd just allow you a quick glimpse into ITF and Mrs. ITF's lives if for just a moment. Now mind you that these were not posed pictures, but rather taken true and in the act.
This is Tom actually doing the dishes. Yes, now that I'm back in school, he not only cooks, but also does the dishes so that I can study!!!

This is where I go to hide out and study. The couch, where the arm rest can hold the heavy books for me. I think that is a plan!

We make quite the team here at the ITF household. But I would be quick to say that we're happy and that makes all the difference. Love covers a multitude of...well...I'll just quit while I'm still ahead! Later
This is Tom actually doing the dishes. Yes, now that I'm back in school, he not only cooks, but also does the dishes so that I can study!!!

This is where I go to hide out and study. The couch, where the arm rest can hold the heavy books for me. I think that is a plan!

We make quite the team here at the ITF household. But I would be quick to say that we're happy and that makes all the difference. Love covers a multitude of...well...I'll just quit while I'm still ahead! Later
At 5:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boy where did you get that great pitcher in the bottom right corner of the first picture? Maybe I'll get myself one of those someday.
At 11:08 PM,
Mrs. Iced Tea Forever said…
If I remember correctly, I believe it was from a gal that showed up at the wedding to meet both Mr. and Mrs. ITF for the first time. This lead to gum on the window, melting in the heat, etc.
By the way, thanks for the pitcher, Ag.
At 4:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, Tom is one of kind, isn't he?
At 9:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'll have you know that gum is still there. It absolutely does not come off! It's like cement, but it looks like a bird flew by.
At 10:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mrs. ITF, you are one of the fortunate ones that has a hubby that can, and will, cook, clean up and do as needed so that the better half can do what she needs to do. Kaitlyn, Tom isn't ONE of a kind, he just comes from good blood lines and has older brothers to teach how to treat their better halves. Have fun and take care. dt
At 10:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Jewel, do you like to study? What is your favorite meal, that Tom makes? Do you like cooking,too? What is your favorite hobby, mine is soccer! How is school going? What were you favorite subjects, when you were in grade school? I really like my NEW teacher!Do you like going to school? Your niece McKenna Troyer.
At 3:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well I think they should clone Tom and the bloodline!
At 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Jewel, truly you've found a jewel there. You oughta keep that man, yes sir, ain't every man that would make a meal AND clean up to. I do it sometimes. Keep ur chin up.
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