Mrs. Iced Tea Forever

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Mr. ITF travels alone

Mr. ITF and my brother left yesterday around 5:30pm to head out to SMBI for the weekend. This is the first that Mr. ITF and I have been apart since we tied the knot. I'll be glad when he comes back, that's for sure!

The reason that I couldn't go along was that I had to work last night. But I did get to attend the Mennonite Relief Sale that was this week-end. That was fun. I did get the house kinda cleaned up without any interruptions and got some home work finished. Well, it's late here and I'm finally gettin tired again. Jewel


  • At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello! Many of y'all that hang around these parts know me, but for those that don't: My name is Hans Mast. I am an Amish-Mennonite/Beachy. I blog at The (not so) Daily Me.

    I just launched a forum that I thought you and your readers might have an interest in. It is It's a place where Mennonnites can come together and discuss local events, theology, politics (if we're allowed to; we're still working on that one *grin*), books, music, life, make suggestions, give tips, help each other, meet new people, ask questions, answer questions and about anything in between and beyond. I hope this can be a ministry to help people find answers in life through the Bible. If you think that your readers would find this interesting, I would greatly appreciate if you did a post about Thanks for your time and God Bless.


  • At 7:21 AM, Blogger Japheth said…

    You poor lady! It was a year and a half before my wife and I had to spend the night apart. Funny, we still slept quite well...hmmm.
    We have friends that would not go to mens or ladies retreats for quite a while because they had gone almost six years without being seperated for a night. They broke it once and now it happens about once or twice a year.

    So be carefull what you start! :-)

  • At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Everywhere I go, there's that "hello, join the" It's too much.

    And just think...absence makes the heart grow fonder. That's what I like to say whenever there's family reunions...


  • At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hahaha @ Kaitlyn! I added a PS just for you:

    I left this comment because I thought you would have an interest in this. If you don't, I'm sorry for taking your time. If you wish, feel free to delete this comment."


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