Hurting Kids
I am almost finished with my Pediatric rotation and am amazed at the number of hurting children of all ages that I have had contact with. Some it was due to their own personal choices while others had choices made for them. Makes me really thankful for the "sheltered" life that my parents brought me up in. Now I know they were not perfect, but they sure came close.
Also now that I'm married comes the realization the probably in the future sometime Mr. ITF and I will have children and how will we raise them. A woman of much wisdom and I were talking about the importance of allowing your children the freedom to live life to the fullest. That means the freedom to make mistakes and learn what works in life and what doesn't work in life. I believe that this is very important to the development of the child!
If one would have a handicapped child of any degree, did you realize that in order for that child to really survive the world and achieve "normallity" the parents must challange and push the child to achieve? There must be no special treatment of this child or they will not excell to the potential they really are capable of! This I believe with my whole heart.
Now it sounds like Mr. ITF and I are expecting. I'm sure there are already speculations going through minds, but hence, the speculations must stop there, simply as speculations. Just for the record, we are not expecting!
I have the whole aspect of school tomorrow. I begin at the elementary, and then only the Lord knows. I may end up at the high school for several hours, then take the trek out to the boondies to the middle school. I really think that it's going to be a great day. I think that we may be doing scholosis checks. Guess I'll just have to see. Later, Jewel
Also now that I'm married comes the realization the probably in the future sometime Mr. ITF and I will have children and how will we raise them. A woman of much wisdom and I were talking about the importance of allowing your children the freedom to live life to the fullest. That means the freedom to make mistakes and learn what works in life and what doesn't work in life. I believe that this is very important to the development of the child!
If one would have a handicapped child of any degree, did you realize that in order for that child to really survive the world and achieve "normallity" the parents must challange and push the child to achieve? There must be no special treatment of this child or they will not excell to the potential they really are capable of! This I believe with my whole heart.
Now it sounds like Mr. ITF and I are expecting. I'm sure there are already speculations going through minds, but hence, the speculations must stop there, simply as speculations. Just for the record, we are not expecting!
I have the whole aspect of school tomorrow. I begin at the elementary, and then only the Lord knows. I may end up at the high school for several hours, then take the trek out to the boondies to the middle school. I really think that it's going to be a great day. I think that we may be doing scholosis checks. Guess I'll just have to see. Later, Jewel
At 7:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
You don't know me but I read your blog sometimes... I quote
"If one would have a handicapped child of any degree, did you realize that in order for that child to really survive the world and achieve "normallity" the parents must challange and push the child to achieve? There must be no special treatment of this child or they will not excell to the potential they really are capable of! This I believe with my whole heart."
While I agree with you to a certain extent there will come a time when you will be forced to realize that the child is different. You will have to treat them differently than a NT child. And you will have to realize that their potential and what you think is their potential maybe entirely different. Until you have btdt it is really hard to understand. I use to make a statement like you did and then I became the mother of girl who has autism and epilepsy.
At 12:59 PM,
Mrs. Iced Tea Forever said…
Elaine, I hope that I am not offending you in what I wrote or in what I am writing, because that is not my intent. I am really excited to hear that you are the advocate for your child. Many of the special needs children that I have had contact with this rotation have not had advocates for them.
I do know that each and every child does have limits, but I was refering more to the children that are not pushed or challanged either at all or very minimally. I realize that a handicapped child does have his or her limits, but there is still a world out there for that child to explore to the best of his or her ability. Sometimes all the child needs is a bit of encouragment from their parents or family at the side lines cheering them on, and other times it involves so much more.
Understanding the difference between the child's potential and my agenda for the child is probably something that I'll have to work on when I do become a nurse. But I would hope that I would never loose the ability to listen to the parents of the child, as the parents are the child's expert. There may be times that my agenda is different than the child's potential, then is the time that I need to work side-by-side with the parents and find out what their goals are and what that specific child is capable of.
At 10:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey jewal, i was just browsing xanga sites and found yours! I think almost everyone has one. Anywaz, just thought id say hey,..l8ta ~ Yalonda
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