Mrs. Iced Tea Forever

Monday, February 06, 2006


I had to skip school today! I was not really impressed. But I could hardly stand up due to being so weak. It's been awhile since I was sick and now I remember why I hate being sick so much.

Guess now I'll have to make up the class work. The doctor put me on an antibiotic. I'll have to see how it works. I do feel better this evening in a way. I guess that could be because I slept all weekend. Did not know one could sleep so much and still be tired. Mr. ITF was a dear though taking care of me! He'd make a good nurse as long as it did not include anything gross!

He did keep me medicated though. Imagine that. I hate pills and he loves them. Guess that's why opposites attract! Well, gotta go and get more sleep. Jewel


  • At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I miss ya, dear!! I will definitley be letting you know when i am in the area!! I can't get back soon enough!! I miss everyone so much!!


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