Mrs. Iced Tea Forever

Monday, August 29, 2005

Duties of this house wife

So now school has started and I've not posted in a while. I feel a bit overwhelmed in doing double duty. First and formost I have to be a gracious wife to my wonderful hubby, Mr. ITF, then secondly I have to be the great student and get the grades that I want and yes, need. Then thirdly, I have to help keep my patients and staff happy at the hospital.

I really hate having my house a wreck. Slowly but surely, the house is coming to look like home to both Mr. ITF and I. There are shelves and pictures hanging on the wall and the bookshelves are full of books!

My home-made bread is nicely put in the freezer and the cookies are put away for the week. This morning I also had my home-made yogert put into the fridge for the week. I'll say that the week is off to a great start!

Last night Mr. ITF and I were on our way over to my folks for an evening of games. I asked Mr. ITF to put a brown towel into the laundry. (I don't know what is wrong with his ears right now...but) He asked me, "What's up with the brown cow"? I just busted up laughing. Now he just says, that I'm makin up stories and tellin lies. I guess that neither of us is going to budge on our side of the story, so he can just believe what he wants! Meanwhile, I'll just keep right on laughin.

Guess I'll talk later.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Trouble at school ALREADY!

Today was my first day of class. It started at 8 and does not end until 9:40pm. Sigh! Oh well, I guess that is just the way bein a senior in college is. No more fun and games for me.

Although today I kept getting into trouble. Don't know what in the world got into me. All I can think of is that right before I started getting into trouble, I had a cup of DECAFFINATED chai tea. That sugar will do it every time.

Nursing is just a bit scarey to me. I don't mind the book work so much, but it is getting out in the real world where it is just you and the patient. If you make a mistake, then it's your license. I just hope and pray that I'll be a safe, good, and effective nurse.

Tom, you'll have to help me the next few months you know! Hope that you're holdin down the fort while I'm at school! Remember, don't take any more of that crazy medication!

I'm runnin out of thing to write about, so I'll talk later.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Tomorrow school starts for me. I really have mixed feelings about it. In a lot of ways I'm really excited that this is finally my senior year, but on the other hand, I won't get to see Tom much. I have to spend at least one night at school, and if gas prices keep rising, then one more as well. Then I work two nights a week. Guess that all comes with going to school.

I was finally able to get Tom off to work this morning after the two valium last night. Man, I told him that under no uncertain terms was he to take two when he has to get up the next morning! I think we were both irritable this morning.

Well, I've got to go and pick up some books and drop boxes off at the post office. Therefore I'll talk later.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Tom and the dentist

Tom went to the dentist today! That in and of itself is quite an accomplishment!! He just wants to be put under for all the dental work that he needs to have done. I guess just as long as he goes to the dentist then that is fine.

It was really funny when I made the first appointment with my dentist. We were not married yet, but I decided that I would make an appointment for him and just tell him later.
The lady behind the desk asked me if Tom knew that I was making the appointment.
I said "No".
She asked me if he would come.
I said "Yes".
She asked me if I was confident that he would come.
I said "Yes".
Then she told me that there have been many times that people make appointments for other people and they never show. I quickly informed her that if Tom did not show I would give her enough notice! She just laughed.

My dentist does not do conscious sedation, so off Tom went in search of other dentists that my dentist recommended. That is how we got to today!

Tom took one valium last night, then sat up at the computer waiting for the "pill" to take affect. I finally had to go to bed. I think that the "pill" had more affect on Tom than he realized, because this morning when the alarm went off and I tried to wake him, he could only comment, "I never knew that you had so many camels"! Where that came from, I can only assume, the "pill".

Then before we left for the dentist this afternoon, Tom took it upon himself to take not one "pill" like the dentist perscribed, but to take TWO. I never knew that Tom could get giddy and irritable at the same time. I just laughed at him. Walking out to the car, he looked at me and very confidently stated "My step is sure and my gaze steady". I just laughed.

When we got back home, Tom quickly went to the computer and I to the kitchen. (Yes, I made my second meal since I got married!) And it was very good!! But before I could pull the chicken from the oven, Tom had already gone and laid down. His sheepish comment to me before he went was "I'm just so tired and I don't know why". I just laughed at him.

I hope that the stronger medication that the dentist gave him for future use doesn't make him more tired or more giddy! I guess that only time will tell.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Derrick, my nephew

I figured that I'd share some cute pictures with you. This is my nephew and yes he is spoiled. We have loved watching him grow and learn to sit, stand, and now walk. He really has been a joy.

Tom and Food

Yesterday my sister left after being around for 1 week. I always hate saying good-bye. Our family always stands outside and waves untill the person leaving can't be seen any longer. I think that it's a neat tradition, but it always makes me cry.

Tom just left for work. Usually he doesn't eat any breakfast, but this morning he shocked me to silence when he accepted my offer for two eggs, OJ, and toast. He told me that he won't be hungry when he gets home, but I'll bet old habits die hard!

Last night after Tom had been sleeping for a while, he leaned right up to my face (like he was seeing if my eyes were open) and begin to talk unintelligibly. When I asked him to sit up he began talking, with as much emotion as he could while still being asleep, about the j-box and the wires. I asked him what about the j-box and he answered he just wanted to make sure they were wired right. LOL!

Last night Tom made dinner for us once again. (I think that I've only cooked once since we got married! I can't complain!) When he was dishing out the stuffing, I don't know what happened, but the pan and stuffing went flying off the stove and needless to say we had stuffing everywhere. Tom of course was frazzled, but I just stood there and laughed. The more I laughed, the more frazzled Tom got. He just kept asking how to clean it up. The more he asked, the more I laughed. The circle just went round and round, till I could quit laughing.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Questions about death and my wicked side

The other night at work, I had this patient that looked at me with fear in his eyes as he struggled to breath, and asked, "I'm dying aren't I". What does one say in response to a question like that? My quick response is to say, "No, you'll be alright." But don't people know when they are getting close to death? So how does a trite answer take away all the fears? I don't think it does at all, but rather makes them feel like I as a nursing stuent are not listening to them. I've really struggled with this issue. Maybe the thing to do is not to say anything at all, but to simply be there for them and listen.

Tom came home from work the other day and woke me from a sound sleep. I was really not too impressed. Well, when he went to jump in the shower I got this wicked thought in my head. You see, the toliet is just close enough to the shower to... well...let me start at the beginning.

Once I heard the shower water running, I remembered that I had done the dishes the night before. Tom has this glass that he likes to put tea in right after it is made. Because it usually sits upside-down in the freezer so the fluid inbetween the inside of the glass and the outside can freeze. This was waiting in the freezer. I slipped out of bed and crept to the kitchen. There I put tap water in the glass and stirred it with my finger till I thought that it was cool enough. Then into the bathroom I crept.

Remember the toliet is just close enough to the shower, that if I stretched just a bit from the top of the toliet lid, I could pour the freezing water just over the shower curtin, down on Tom's unsuspecting head. I knew the moment the water hit him because I heard a gasp and a mad scramble to get under the warmer water from the shower head. I had no mercy though and kept pouring. Quicker than I could think, Tom poked out his face from behind the shower curtin with this pained look of betrayal on his face. It really was quite funny.

Then to finish off this post. I don't know how many of you know that Tom talks in his sleep. I can actually ask him questions and he'll answer them. Well, the other morning, his alarm went off for him to get up and go to work. I poked him and told him to hit snooze. (I have to remind him that the big button is snooze, and the little button is off!) After the radio went off a few times, I asked him what time it was. He quickly answered, "Uhh, Wal-Mart I think". I just had to laugh.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Lady Patients and their Minds

Last night I got called in to work as an aid on another floor of the hospital. I don't know if I've ever laughed so hard at some patients. One little old lady, I think she was 85, was pleasently confused. She was talking to me and another nurse about how she really feels pushed around and trapped in her room. At the end of the conversation, she begin singing "This is My Story". She sang that one phrase over about 3 times and then proceeded on to singing the entire chorus. I really laughed cause it was sung a bit out of context.

Then there was one other lady that tried to get us to think that she was out of her mind. She yelled, screamed, and cried all night. Finally the same nurse walked in, closed the door, and asked her what was wrong. She just started complaining about "Why God, why". The nurse then proceeded to tell her that she needed to count her blessings. That was not taken too well. Later I went in cause she was once again crying loudly. I asked her what was wrong and tried to make her comfortable in bed. She made some comment about being alone. But then her language changed and man was she ever mad at me. I quickly informed her that I did not want to hear her talk like that and if she continued I was going to leave and close the door. I think that made her even madder, but she held her tongue.

I was just about at my wits end with both of these ladies by the time morning came. If one wasn't screaming, then the other was telling me that she was going home right now and if the doctor did not hurry in, then he just wouldn't get to see her for that day. Then amist all of that confusion, there were other patients to tend to. Those that needed pain meds, IV pumps alarming, people needing to be repositioned, and people needing to use the bathroom.

Working in the medical field, one needs to be so many places at once. There are not only the patients to make comfortable, but there are families that need their questions answered, phones that won't stop rining (and no answering machines), then last night on top of all of that, I had two other floors calling me asking how the put in orders, and other such questions. Talk about quite the night. At least the night went fast and I was still able to laugh!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Vacuums and Moonlight talks

Tom and I finally got a vacuum (as Tom calls them things). Individuals in Hoosierville would rather call them sweepers. It is a Simplicity. Yes, the same company that makes sewing machines and patterns. It works great. I've already swept up all the spiders and ants that I could find in this house. But I'm sure there will be more to come. Aggggghhhhhhh!

Tom and I came home late. Who knows where we were any more or what we were shopping for (cause that is what we do most of the time when we aren't at home)! JK. Tom in one of his rare moods actually consented to sitting out on our little slab of cement that we call a porch, while I laid in the hammock that we got as a wedding gift. There we drank our club soda drinks with syrup flavoring and whipped topping and talked about the things we held dear to our hearts. It really was a great time. Guys out there that have wives (and even those that don't) lend me your ears (or rather your eyes) for just a moment and let me tell you a thing that women love. We love a guy that can give undivided attention for a few moments and really listen to what we have to say. Yes, even in those times when we don't make that much sense! (That's when we have the excuse that we're just bein' a woman!)

It really was neat. The crickets or frogs were out that night as well as the mosquitoes. Man, they must have thought that I was made of somethin' sweet cause they sure took big bites outta me. I was not too impressed. So yes, I was the party pooper and told Tom that I had to go inside before he saw me eaten up right before my eyes. Oh well, guess that all romantic moments have to end sometime!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Why God?

So how does one deal with death and the grieving process? This past weekend one of the guys that was a cook in the kitchen at our wedding was killed along with 2 of his grandsons. Ross was 10 and Lavern was 8. Darrin is 7 and it was just a miracle that he wasn't killed as well. This link gives the story.

Patsy, Sam's wife, is Mom's best friend. Somehow through the pain that our family has had to deal with it is still with tears streaming down our face that yes, God is still in control. There are many hard days, nights, and moments ahead for both Patsy and Rachel, the boys' mom, as well as Darrin. Help me pray that they will find the safe and comforting arms of Jesus to carry them through the next day, days, week, month, year. Birthdays, anniversary, and the holidays are only 5-6 months away.

There are times that I don't know what to say. This is one of those times. My heart is broken and weeping that someone has to deal with this type of pain and anguish. This is the time that I question, "God why?" Sunday two weeks ago, my Sunday school was discussing the whole idea that one has to acknowledge the fact that there are times in our lives when we know that God could have intervened, but didn't. How do you handle these times?

A gal that I work with told me that it's alright to be angry with God right at first, but one has to move on from being angry to acceptance somehow. Forgiveness is the key, but that takes time. I think that I really agree with her. There have been so many things that have happened over the past few weeks that I've really had to deal with this issue on.

I Samuel 1:18 says, "And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad." Here Hannah so desperatly wanted a child. But she placed her dreams, desires, and wants into God's control. Then she went away and made a conscious decision that she wasn't going to worry about it any longer. Because her God was bigger than she and He could see the whole picture. This hit me so hard because how often do I think I know what is best for me and those that I love. Then when circumstances don't happen the way I think they should, then I whine, complain, and drag my feet with God.


Has it ever happened when the beans need to be picked in the garden, the rain comes? This morning I had to go to the hospital for one of those great "meetings" that we as employees are entitled to be honored to attend! When I walked out at 8:15 there was already sprinkles falling from the sky. I thought well if I hurry over to Mom and Dad's then maybe I can get the beans in before the rain really hits, or maybe my Mom has already picked them. No such luck. She was still sleeping. Sigh!! So out into the rain my bucket and I went. I only got about 1 gallon of beans. Just enough for fresh eatin'. Oh well, guess we'll eat them tomorrow. Guess that I should not complain though, cause we really did need the rain. Here in Hoosierville when it doesn't rain for a week, then the humidy goes sky high and the heat increases. I can't say that I'm ready for the cold weather though.

Tom made supper again tonight. To tell the truth, he cooks better than I could ever dream of cooking. So to keep both of us happy, he cooks, while I'm just content to sit back and observe him being the man in the kitchen.

Tonight we decided to be wild and go out on the town at 10pm for DQ shakes. I guess that you could call it a mini date that only took 10 minutes. It really was tons of fun though. Well tomorrow is another big day.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Marriage Thoughts

This marriage thing is harder than I ever thought that it would be. Guess that is what happens when you enter marriage with the best foot forward! Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy married life, I just have to learn how to think like a married individual instead of an independant single woman.
Now that I've joined the blog world, I hope that everyone that knows Tom will see that he never will have a dull moment and neither will I.